The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women 2022
BIPOC Women aims at providing postsecondary education in an effort to encourage young people with financial needs to pursue a career in media studies.
Students from all parts of the country are permitted to come, with the exception of the residents of Quebec and employees of Roger Sport Media Limited.
Scholarships aren ‘t renewable. This scholarship includes mentorship by Cityline host Tracy Moore. The video essay should be submitted to the university by Monday, August 2, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women
- Type: Undergraduate
- Organisation: Cityline
- Course to study: Not specified
- Gender: Women
- Application Deadline: August 2, 2022
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Cityline Scholarship 2022
The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women is designed to give the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education and award young people who have financial need and wish to pursue an academic profession within Media studies.
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About Cityline
Cityline is the longest-running and most popular daytime show that is geared towards women within North American history.
The host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm as well as her captivating personality and style , which makes her the perfect match for North America’s leading source of the latest news in kitchens, home decor entertainment fashion, health, and beauty.
Cityline draws, entertains and informs viewers throughout North America with its unique style and daily themes.
Aim and Benefits of The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women
One scholarship for entry is available in 2022. It will be worth $5,000.
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Requirements for The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women Qualification
To be considered:Â
- Students who begin their postsecondary studies beginning in the month of September, 2022 will be qualified.
- Students might have taken breaks between the time they graduated of high school and the start of their college or university studies. However during this time, students are not required to have taken any post-secondary studies.
- The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women will not grant entrance scholarships to the following institutions/programs: Graduate programs (for example, Master’s degrees, PHD programs, etc. ) as well as universities and colleges that are not located in Canada.
- When submitting an application to the Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women,the winner will be available for an obligatory interview with Cityline (Citytv at 10 AM EST) in conversation with Tracy Moore. The winning video will also be shown on Cityline.
- Selection is based upon the completed application of each candidate and must be submitted by a video that is at least 3 minutes duration.
How To Apply for The Cityline Scholarship for BIPOC Women
If you are interested and wish to apply, kindly use the link below